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What GSM History

GSM is a group of "experts phones name (in French: Groupe Special Mobile) abbreviation later changed the meaning of the abbreviation is GSM "Global System for Mobile Communications" to promote worldwide GSM mobile phone is the most people the world standard. telephone system and is found in more than 212 countries and regions, more than 150 million people use its predecessor, the signaling and speech channels are digital, then considered the second generation GSM (2G) of mobile telephone system technical differences.

The early 1980s, the first generation mobile phone technology has started, there are many incompatible standards. The user's phone can not use other network standards, resulting in great inconvenience. For this reason, the Western European countries began to consider developing a unified next-generation mobile phone standards.

In 1982, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) to create a panel for mobile communications (GSM) mobile phone system for development, you can use the standard throughout Europe. GSM May 1987 members agreed to name the most important of a some key technologies, GSM.

In 1989, the GSM transferred to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). In 1990, the GSM standard edition is complete. In 1991, launching the first GSM network in Finland and Siemens Telenokia as Nokia Siemens Networks after the merger of Radiolinja's network to offer network infrastructure. In late 1993, over one million GSM mobile users in 70 countries through 48 carriers operating networks.

From the user perspective, GSM voice services can offer high quality digital. From the point of the network operator of view, they can deploy equipment from different manufacturers, and as an open standard to support interoperability of GSM.

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