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Happy New Year

I hope that everyone had a great holiday season and a happy new year. Classes started back today at Mississippi State so it is time to get back into the swing of things. I'm teaching three courses this semester, one of which is a new course for me and the department. Sport Biomechanics should be a really fun and exciting class for the students to learn how to apply mechanical principles to sport performance in order to evaluate skills, improve technique, and prevent injury. I'm also teaching Anatomical Kinesiology and Motor Learning, and team teaching a research readings class with two other faculty members. It should be a busy semester but very exciting. The picture on the left is from a 4D ultrasound taken last week. My wife Amy and I are very excited for the arrival of Cameron Charles Knight (Cameron and Charles are both family names) this March. I might even be able to use him in my Motor Development class in the Fall!!

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